Goycha Ashug School      
Ashug Alesker      
Azad Ozan KARIMLI           
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Ashug Alesker art is COMPLETE MORALITY and this complete morality is a mirror and reflection of Azerbaijan morality, which we cherished as the apple of our eye, stood the test of millenniums and didn't take even one stain through these long years. And it is blood memory. Either millenniums ago or at present the most important features, the highest and winged wishes and desires of Azerbaijanis are represented in this Great Maestro's keepsake inheritance.

Ashug Art of XX Century Gadabay Region The progress of ashug art in Gadabay is connected only with the names and activities of master ashugs. Gadabay is almost surrounded with Goycha, Tovuz, Shamkir and Dashkesen regions.That's why Gadabay always had relation with Goycha and this unity was shown in festivals, ceremonies more saliently. Some master ashugs lived and still live in Gadabay region. One of them is poet Vali from Miskinli village who lived 112 years.

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