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In February 7, Juzeppe Verdi's "Requiem" was performed at Grand hall of Music Academy named after U.hajibayov. At present "Requiem" is not often played musical composition at all. We took interview from art director and conductor of the orchestra Azad Aliev.

In February 12, the next music night at Baku Hall of Camera Music with bandmaster Rauf Abdullaev's conduction was over with new bright performance of State Symphonic Orchestra named after U.Hajibayov.

The history of close and mutual relations between Iran and Azerbaijan music culture is measured by old centuries. The musician staffs of neighbor country came to the capital of our republic and introduced different examples of traditional Iranian music to specialists and listeners mass in February and March. At these concerts, Azerbaijan art masters' performances in national repertoire either showed the intimacy of our cultures or were at the bottom of kind fellowship among musicians.

In March 4, 2000 the premier of Arif Malikov's "Mahabbat Afsanasi" ("The Legend of Love") ballet gained great success. It is very remarkable fact and gratifying circumstances, because another Azerbaijani's work effected to the success of the spectacle too - the bandmaster was E. Bagirov. Actually, Turks' excited opinion to Nazim Hikmet's dramatized libretto is remarkable. Great number of aids, especially enthusiasm was spent in order to rebuild the surroundings of the spectacle, which started victory march with all theatre scenes of the world 40 years ago. Ballet-master Yuri Grigorovich who realized the producing of the spectacle, was invited from Moscow. Decorations were remade on the base of Simon Virsaladze's drafts.

It is already more than 25 years that Fidan and Khuraman Gasimovas' vocal art is one of the proud, fame and unique values of the national music art. The concert of these talented representatives of our nation, held under "Sadasi Bahardir Vatanimizin" ("Spring Favor Motherland") motto and with participation of Azerbaijan State Symphonic Orchestra named after U. Hajibayov (bandmaster was People's Artist of Republic Rauf Abdullaev) in April of this year was unforgettable and warm event either for singers or listeners.

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