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"Arshin Mal Alan" ("Textile Buyer")       
Shirmamed HUSEYNOV           
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Uzeir Hacibeyov
Arsin Mal Alan

The newspaper published in New York, USA informs that "Arshin Mal Alan" ("Textile Buyer") is started to put on stage at American theatres too.

Your humble servant can tell, I saw at my 6 monthly trip there was not any talk about except "Arshin Mal Alan" ("Textile Buyer") started from Ashgabad at the streets and shops of Tashkent, Orenburg, Samara, Saritsyn, Hajitarkhan, Pertovsk, Vladicaucasus. At the each of these cities the sole job of streetcar workers was to drive out the children from trains' sidewalk. They were the same children who spoke nonsense shouting loudly "Arshin Mal Alan", "Arshin Mal Alan!" with book "Arshin Mal Alan" ("Textile Buyer") under their bosom.

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