To Soltan Hajibayov's 80 years anniversary      
Soltan Hajibayov - Whom We Know and Don't Know     
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S. Hacibeyov.
Simfonic orkestr ucun konsert

S. Hacibeyov
"Karvan" simfonik

Soltan Hajibayov's positions confirm his monumental place in the progress history of our national culture. He was the art leader, afterwards director of Philharmonic Society in 1950-60th, worked as a secretary and first secretary of Composers' Union of Azerbaijan over 20 years.

Besides to lift up people's cultural level, to improve their world understanding, to enlighten the masses, in Soltan Hajibayov's initiative, the performing large-volume works of our composers gave such strong incitement that success arose from this stimuli are beyond comparison with our present day.

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