Muslum Magomaev:        
A Glance from Cross-Centuries      
Aida HUSEYNOVA           
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Bul-bul Muslim Magomayev
Opera "Nargiz"

uslum Magomaev's ministry as a great composer, public man and conductor is beyond doubt. His operas, symphonic works, songs, music for movie and dramatic theatre is the brilliant page of our classic music. The most interesting is, Magomaev realized Uzeyir Hajibayov's idea about synthesis Europe and nationalism in specific way. For Hajibayov, composer-creative in Europe-style played orientalist role. That's why according to this, he established new creative principles from national art basis. But Magomaev comprehending classic Europe model, adopted them in a context of Azerbaijan music and, and enriched with new, national characterized trait.

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